The Leadership Challenge WorkshopApproaching leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors, The Leadership Challenge framework grew out of rigorous research that first began in 1982 when Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner set out to understand those times when leaders performed at their personal best.
They conducted hundreds of interviews and reviewed hundreds of cases studies and survey questionnaires. What emerged were five fundamental practices common to extraordinary leadership achievements. This inquiry, published in five editions of the book, The Leadership Challenge, is based on research now conducted in more than 70 countries. Now known worldwide as the most practical model of leadership development, The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® continues to prove its effectiveness in cultivating and liberating the leadership potential in anyone, at any level and in any organization, who chooses to accept the challenge to lead. The workshop that grew out of Kouzes and Posner’s research has now reached thousands of people worldwide. As a Certified Master of this workshop, Dan has designed and delivered dozens of programs that employ The Leadership Challenge components. Learn more about The Leadership Challenge Workshop. |
The Leadership Practices InventoryApplying the proven principles of Kouzes and Posner's acclaimed Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model, the LPI enables individuals and organizations to measure their leadership competencies and act on their discoveries. Leaders will gain deep insight into how they see themselves as leaders, how others view them, and what actions they can take to improve their effectiveness.
As an accomplished coach, Dan has worked with many leaders on interpreting their Leadership Practices Inventory results and building more robust professional development plans. Learn more about The Leadership Practices Inventory. |
The Leadership Challenge Vision BookWorking in collaboration with authors Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, Dan created the Vision Book in 2010. Designed to complement other elements of The Leadership Challenge Workshop materials, the Vision Book provides a practical guide to creating, communicating and evaluating vision in organizations. The Vision Book has helped thousands of workshop participants develop competence in the essential skill of envisioning what is possible and conveying "a unique and ideal image of the future for the common good" to staff.
The Leadership Challenge Vision Book can be purchased at or Barnes & |